
The vdsPendingOperation table contains all queued operations and commands with pending approval when maker–checker authorization is used.


Table: vdsPendingOperation table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsPendingOperationID varchar(8) Yes No The ID for the pending operation. This is an automatically generated case-sensitive alphanumeric 8-character string. It is unique within a replicated environment.
vdsDomain varchar(255) No No The domain of the command target. By default, it is based on the maker administrator.
vdsOrgUnit varchar(255) No Yes The organizational unit of the command target. By default, it is based on the maker administrator.
vdsMakerUserID varchar(255) No No The user ID of the administrator who initiated the pending operation (maker).
vdsMakerDomain varchar(255) No No The domain of the administrator who initiated the pending operation (maker).
vdsCheckerUserID varchar(255) No No The user ID of the administrator who is entitled to authorize the pending operation (checker).
vdsCheckerDomain varchar(255) No No The domain of the administrator who is entitled to authorize the pending operation (checker).
vdsObject varchar(32) No No The type of the target object.
vdsCommand varchar(32) No No The name of the command awaiting approval.
vdsContext varchar(16384) No No The serialized input parameters of the command awaiting approval.
vdsStatus integer No No The approval state of the pending operation.
vdsNote varchar(2048) No Yes Additional annotations and remarks added by the checker administrator when verifying the pending operation.
vdsSerialNo varchar(46) No Yes The serial number of the authenticator that is affected by the command, e.g. in case of assigning it to a user. As long as there is an operation pending, the respective authenticator is reserved and cannot be used for any other operation.
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.
vdsCreateTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsContextID string(255) No No Unique identifier of the context for the pending operation.
vdsAutoExecute integer No Yes Specifies whether the pending operation should be automatically executed on behalf of the maker administrator as soon as it is approved by the checker administrator.


Primary key: (vdsPendingOperationID)

Foreign keys:

  • (vdsDomain) references vdsDomain (vdsDomain)
  • (vdsOrgUnit) references vdsOrgUnit (vdsOrgUnit)
  • (vdsMakerUserID, vdsMakerDomain) references vdsUser (vdsUserId, vdsDomain)
  • (vdsCheckerUserID, vdsCheckerDomain) references vdsUser (vdsUserId, vdsDomain)
  • (vdsSerialNo) references vdsDigipass (vdsSerialNo)


Table: vdsPendingOperation table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)
vdspendingoperationidx vdsPendingOperationID