
The vdsUser table contains the attributes of the existing authenticator users.


Table: vdsUser table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsDomain varchar(255) Yes No The domain of the user.
vdsUserId varchar(255) Yes No The user ID of the user.
vdsOrgUnit varchar(255) No Yes The organizational unit in which the user is located.
vdsUserName varchar(1024) No Yes The full name of the user.
vdsDescription varchar(1024) No Yes Any descriptive text or notes.
vdsPhone varchar(64) No Yes The user's landline number.
vdsMobile varchar(64) No Yes The user's mobile phone number.
vdsEmail varchar(255) No Yes The user's e-mail address.
vdsStaticPwd varchar(1024) No Yes This column contains binary data stored in base64-encoded format.
vdsLinkUserDomain varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsLinkUserId varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsLocalAuth integer No Yes  
vdsBackEndAuth integer No Yes  
vdsLockCount integer No Yes  
vdsLocked integer No Yes  
vdsDisabled integer No Yes  
vdsProfiles varchar(255) No Yes This column is obsolete (replaced by the separate vdsUserAttr table).
vdsAdminPrivileges varchar(1024) No Yes This column contains binary data stored in the base64-encoded format.
vdsOfflineAuthEnabled integer No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdHistory varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsLastPwdSetTime timestamp No Yes  
vdsCreateTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsKeyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsLastAuthTime timestamp No Yes The date and time of the last authentication for the user.
vdsExpirationTime timestamp No Yes The date and time when the user account can no longer be used for authentication.
vdsVDPDeliveryMethod varchar(16) No Yes The delivery method for Virtual Mobile Authenticator messages. This overrides the general delivery method specified in the user policy.
vdsVDPSignDeliveryMethod varchar(16) No Yes The delivery method for virtual signature messages. This overrides the general delivery method specified in the user policy.
vdsVDPMDCProfile varchar(255) No Yes The Message Delivery Component (MDC) profile for Virtual Mobile Authenticator messages. This overrides the MDC profile specified in the user policy.
vdsVDPSignMDCProfile varchar(255) No Yes The Message Delivery Component (MDC) profile for virtual signature messages. This overrides the MDC profile specified in the user policy.
vdsStaticPwdKeyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsAdminPrivilegesKeyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsLastAuthReqTime timestamp No Yes The date and time of the last authentication request for the user.
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.
vdsUserInactDays integer No Yes Indicates the policy override for the maximum number of days between authentications after which a user will be suspended. 0 effectively disables this feature.
vdsService integer No No

If enabled, this setting converts the user into a service user.

Default value: 0

vdsAdminLevel integer No No

The administrator level of an administrative user account. Lower-level administrators cannot modify or even view administrator accounts with an administrator level higher than their own. It has no effect on non-administrative user accounts.

Supported values: 0255

Default value: 255

The maximum value on OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance is 100.


Primary key: (vdsDomain, vdsUserId)

Foreign keys:

  • (vdsLinkUserDomain, vdsLinkUserId) references vdsUser (vdsDomain, vdsUserId)
  • (vdsDomain) references vdsDomain (vdsDomain)
  • (vdsDomain, vdsOrgUnit) references vdsOrgUnit (vdsDomain, vdsOrgUnit)
  • (vdsKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsStaticPwdKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsAdminPrivilegesKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)


Table: vdsUser table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)

