
The vdsAuditMsg table stores audit messages. It contains one record per audit message generated, with additional information held in the vdsAuditMsgField table (see vdsAuditMsgField).


Table: vdsAuditMsg table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsTimeStamp timestamp Yes No The date and time of the event.
vdsAMID varchar(32) Yes No 32-character hexadecimal digit AMID (without hex prefix "0x").
vdsSource varchar(64) No
No The source component name.
vdsType integer No No The numeric type.
vdsCode varchar(8) No No The audit message code, e.g. "I-010003".
vdsDesc varchar(255) No No The description of the audit message.
vdsCategory varchar(32) No No The category for the audit message, e.g. "Authentication".
vdsUserId varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsDomain varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsClientLocation varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsSerialNo varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsSignature varchar(128) No Yes  
vdsEpochID varchar(128) No Yes  
vdsEpochSN int No Yes  
vdsCharacteristics varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsCredentialType varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsApplicationName varchar(32) No Yes  
vdsPolicyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsMobileNumber varchar(64) No Yes  
vdsDPType varchar(32) No Yes  
vdsClientType varchar(60) No
vdsUserLocation varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsErrorCode int No Yes  
vdsErrorMessage varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsAuditLocation varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsServerLocation varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsDataSourceLocation varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsConfigurationDetails varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsFromLocation varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsToLocation varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsInfoMessage varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsExpirationDate timestamp No Yes  
vdsLocalAuthentication varchar(16) No Yes  
vdsBackendAuthentication varchar(32) No Yes  
vdsObject varchar(64) No Yes The type of target object.
vdsCommand varchar(64) No Yes  
vdsRadiusProfile varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsReason varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsTargetUserId varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsTargetDomain varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsPendingOperationID varchar(8) No Yes The ID for the related pending operation. This is a case-sensitive alphanumeric 8-character string.
vdsCorrelationID varchar(36) No Yes The correlation ID is used to identify the audit messages that correlate to one another.
vdsIPAddress integer No Yes

The IP address of the client related to this audit message (only in case the client is not the source of the audit message).

This field is usually set only, if vdsClientLocation is specified.

vdsCmdElapsedTime integer No Yes The time in milliseconds that passed since the (SOAP) operation started. Note that you do not need to enable performance monitoring to capture the elapsed time, but not every audit message includes it.


Primary key: (vdsAMID, vdsTimeStamp)

Foreign keys: None


Each index level includes indexes of the levels below as well.

Table: vdsAuditMsg table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0



Level 1 (default)
vdsauditUserIdx vdsUserId
vdsauditDomainIdx vdsDomain
vdsauditSerialIdx vdsSerialNo
vdsauditClientLocIdx vdsClientLocation
vdsauditCodeIdx vdsCode
vdsauditDescIdx vdsDescription
vdsauditCatIdx vdsCategory



vdsauditPolicyIDIdx vdsPolicyID
vdsauditClientTypeIdx vdsClientType
vdsauditIPAddressIdx vdsIPAddress
Level 2
vdsauditSignatureIdx vdsSignature
vdsauditEpochIDIdx vdsEpochID
vdsauditEpochSNIdx vdsEpochSN
vdsauditCharacterIdx vdsCharacteristics
vdsauditCredTypeIdx vdsCredentialType
vdsauditAppNameIdx vdsApplicationName
vdsauditMobileNoIdx vdsMobileNumber
vdsauditDPTypeIdx vdsDPType
vdsauditUserLocIdx vdsUserLocation
vdsauditErrCodeIdx vdsErrorCode
vdsauditErrMsgIdx vdsErrorMessage
vdsauditAuditLocIdx vdsAuditLocation
vdsauditServerLocIdx vdsServerLocation
vdsauditDataSrcLocIdx vdsDataSourceLocation
vdsauditConfDetailsIdx vdsConfigurationDetails
vdsauditFromLocIdx vdsFromLocation
vdsauditToLocIdx vdsToLocation
vdsauditInfoMsgIdx vdsInfoMessage
vdsauditExpDateIdx vdsExpirationDate
vdsauditLocalAuthIdx vdsLocalAuthentication
vdsauditBackendAuthIdx vdsBackendAuthentication
vdsauditObjectIdx vdsObject
vdsauditCommandIdx vdsCommand
vdsauditRadProfIdx vdsRadiusProfile
vdsauditReasonIdx vdsReason
vdsauditStartTimeIdx vdsStartTime
vdsauditPendingOperationIDIdx vdsPendingOperationID