
The vdsPolicy table contains the attributes of the existing policies defined in OneSpan Authentication Server. Policy attributes are commonly shared by inheriting from parent policies.


Table: vdsPolicy table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsPolicyId varchar(60) Yes No  
vdsDescription varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsParentPolicyId varchar(60) No Yes  
vdsDUR integer No Yes  
vdsAutoLearn integer No Yes  
vdsSPwdProxy integer No Yes  
vdsAssignMode integer No Yes  
vdsSearchUpOU integer No Yes  
vdsApplNames varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsApplType integer No Yes  
vdsDPTypes varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsGracePeriod integer No Yes  
vdsLocalAuth integer No Yes  
vdsBackEndAuth integer No Yes  
vdsBackEndProtocol varchar(32) No Yes  
vdsDefDomain varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsGroupList varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsGroupMode integer No Yes  
vdsOSCR integer No Yes  
vdsOSCLength integer No Yes  
vdsOSCChkDgt integer No Yes  
vdsBVDPEnabled integer No Yes  
vdsBVDPMaxDays integer No Yes  
vdsBVDPMaxUses integer No Yes  
vdsChgPinAllowed integer No Yes  
vdsSelfAssignSep varchar(8) No Yes  
vdsCRMethod integer No Yes  
vdsCRKeyword varchar(16) No Yes  
vdsPVDPRqstMeth integer No Yes  
vdsPVDPKeyword varchar(16) No Yes  
vdsBVDPRqstMeth integer No Yes  
vdsBVDPKeyword varchar(16) No Yes  
vdsITimeWindow integer No Yes  
vdsSTimeWindow integer No Yes  
vdsEventWindow integer No Yes  
vdsSyncWindow integer No Yes  
vdsIThreshold integer No Yes  
vdsSThreshold integer No Yes  
vdsCheckChal integer No Yes  
vdsOnlineSG integer No Yes  
vdsChkInactDays integer No Yes  
vdsLockThreshold integer No Yes  
vdsOfflineAuthEnabled integer No Yes  
vdsOfflineTimeInterval integer No Yes  
vdsOfflineMaxEvents integer No Yes  
vdsDCR integer No Yes Deprecated.
vdsChgWinPwdEnabled integer No Yes  
vdsChgWinPwdLength integer No Yes  
vdsChgWinPwdLength integer No Yes  
vdsClientGroupList varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsClientGroupMode integer No Yes  
vds2OTPSyncEnabled integer No Yes  
vdsVDPDeliveryMethod varchar(16) No Yes  
vdsCreateTime timestamp No No The date and time the record was created.
vdsModifyTime timestamp No No The date and time the record was last modified.
vdsRadiusRepAttrEnabled integer No Yes  
vdsRadiusRepAttrList varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsRadiusAllowedProtocols varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsRadiusSessLifetime integer No Yes  
vdsRadiusSessTickLifetime integer No Yes  
vdsRadiusSessTickReuse integer No Yes  
vdsRadiusSessGroupList varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdDiffToPrev integer No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdMinLength integer No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdMinLower integer No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdMinUpper integer No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdMinNum integer No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdMinSymb integer No Yes  
vdsStaticPwdNotUserBased integer No Yes  
vdsUserInactDays integer No Yes Indicates the policy setting for the maximum number of days between authentications after which a user will be suspended. 0 effectively disables this feature.
vdsAcceptedDomain varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsMultiDpAppValidateMode integer No Yes  
vdsPrivilegedUsers integer No Yes  
vdsVDPSignEnabled integer No Yes  
vdsVDPSignDeliveryMethod varchar(16) No Yes  
vdsVDPMDCProfile varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsVDPSignMDCProfile varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsDPExpirationPeriod integer No Yes  
vdsSecureChannel integer No Yes  
vdsActMsg1Validity integer No Yes  
vdsCustomReqBody integer No Yes  
vdsMinAppVersion integer No Yes  
vdsScReqPIN integer No Yes  
vdsSCTemplateNo integer No Yes  
vdsSCFontIdx integer No Yes  
vdsSTReqPIN integer No Yes  
vdsSTTemplateNo integer No Yes  
vdsSTFontIdx integer No Yes  
vdsSTShowResponse integer No Yes  
vdsSTShowWarning integer No Yes  
vdsDPDelayedActivation integer No Yes The delayed activation period (in hours).
vdsDPActDelayedNotification integer No Yes Determines whether a notification should be sent to the user when an authenticator activation is delayed (delayed activation).
vdsDPActCompletedNotification integer No Yes Determines whether a notification should be sent to the user when a delayed authenticator activation completes (delayed activation).
vdsDPActNotifDeliveryMethod varchar(16) No Yes Specifies the default delivery method when sending notifications for delayed activation.
vdsMinLockDuration integer No Yes The time span a locked user account remains locked before a user can try to authenticate again and unlock it using user auto-unlock.
vdsLockDurationMultiplier integer No Yes The multiplier factor to increase the lock duration after each unsuccessful authentication.
vdsMaxUnlockTries integer No Yes The maximum number of attempts to unlock a locked user account during authentication (user auto-unlock) before it is permanently locked.
vdsUserInfoSync integer No Yes Determines whether user information attributes from the back-end system are added to the user account during Dynamic User Registration (DUR user information synchronization).
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.
vdsStaticPwdMaxAge integer No Yes The maximum amount of time in days during which a static password is valid. After this time, the password expires. Applies to the local authentication mode DIGIPASS or Password only.
vdsStaticPwdMinAge integer No Yes The minimum amount of time in days a static password must be used before it can be changed. Applies to the local authentication mode DIGIPASS or Password only.
vdsStaticPwdExpNot integer No Yes The period (in days) before a static password expires and the end user must be notified to update the static password. Applies to the local authentication mode DIGIPASS or Password only.
vdsPNRqstMeth integer No Yes The method by which a user has to request a push notification for authentication.
vdsPNKeyword varchar(16) No Yes Defines the keyword that a user must enter to request a push notification for authentication.
vdsMobileAppName varchar(64) No Yes Specifies the name of the mobile application in the push notification message.
vdsAuthUserMaxThreadSuspend integer No Yes Specifies the timeout period during which authentication via a particular push notification message is possible.
vdsVDPChallengeMessage varchar(256) No No The challenge message displayed to the user, when performing a Virtual Mobile Authenticator authentication.
vdsPNMessageTitle varchar(255) No Yes The text that will be used as the title of push notifications sent for authentication and signature operations.
vdsPNMessageSubject varchar(255) No Yes The text that will be used as the subject of push notifications sent for authentication and signature operations.
vdsNestedGroupsEnabled integer No Yes Indicates that nested groups are enabled for Windows Group Check during user authentication.
vdsDPTypeLimit varchar(1024) No Yes

List of comma-separated key/value pairs that define the maximum number of assigned authenticators allowed per user for a specific authenticator type.

If you set the limit for a specific authenticator type to 0, no instances for that authenticator type can be assigned. If not set, no additional limits per authenticator type are set, except for default ones.

For example: DP300;5,DP270;8,

vdsUseGenericAuthStatusCodes integer No Yes

Indicates whether certain status codes and messages are mapped to a generic status code in server responses to prevent user account disclosure in authentication and provisioning scenarios.

vdsUAppID varchar(2048) No Yes Reserved for future use.
vdsAvoidInitialSync integer No Yes Determines whether to perform the time shift initialization (within vdsSyncWindow) on the server side or to avoid it for certain authenticator types.


Primary key: (vdsPolicyId)

Foreign keys: (vdsParentPolicyId) references vdsPolicy (vdsParentPolicyId)


Table: vdsPolicy table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)
vdspolicyidx vdsPolicyId