
The vdsDigipass table contains data for each imported authenticator.


Table: vdsDigipass table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsSerialNo varchar(46) Yes No The serial number of the authenticator.
vdsDomain varchar(255) No No The domain to which the authenticator belongs.
vdsEMVCAPPAN varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsOrgUnit varchar(255) No Yes The organizational unit to which the authenticator belongs.
vdsDPType varchar(32) No Yes  
vdsUserId varchar(255) No Yes The user ID to which the authenticator is assigned.
vdsAssignDate timestamp No Yes The date and time the authenticator has been assigned to the user.
vdsGPExpires timestamp No Yes The date and time the grace period will or did expire. This column is left blank if there is no grace period.
vdsBVDPEnabled integer No Yes Determines whether the backup Virtual Mobile Authenticator feature can be used with the authenticator.
vdsBVDPExpires timestamp No Yes The date and time until the backup Virtual Mobile Authenticator feature may be used.
vdsBVDPUsesLeft integer No Yes The remaining number of times that the backup Virtual Mobile Authenticator feature may be used for the authenticator.
vdsDirectAssign integer No Yes  
vdsDPSoftParamsID varchar(64) No Yes  
vdsActivLocs varchar(1024) No Yes

The client locations where the authenticator has been activated from via provisioning register commands (space-separated hash values). This is typically only used for DIGIPASS for Web, to keep track of the number of different locations at which a particular user has activated it.

This column is connected to vdsActivCount.

vdsActivCount integer No Yes The activation count, i.e. the total number of provisioning registration operations performed using the authenticator, when an activation code was generated for it.
vdsLastActivTime timestamp No Yes

The date and time the last provisioning registration operation was performed using the authenticator, when an activation code was generated for it.

This is set by provisioning commands and reset by certain administration commands, i.e. Delete User, Unassign Digipass, and Reset Activation.

vdsDPDescription varchar(255) No Yes The descriptive text for the authenticator.
vdsCreateTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsKeyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsExpirationTime timestamp No Yes The date and time when the authenticator expires.
vdsBindStatus integer No Yes  
vdsEMVCAPPANKeyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsSeqNoMax integer No Yes The sequence number threshold, i.e. the maximum number of authenticator activations that can be performed with an authenticator license.
vdsPkBLOB varchar(1024) No Yes The payload key BLOB (for multi-device licensing (MDL)).
vdsLinkedDP varchar(46) No Yes The serial number of the linked authenticator.
vdsActChal varchar(1024) No Yes The activation challenge (for multi-device licensing (MDL)).
vdsDeviceID varchar(8) No Yes The device ID.
vdsStartTime timestamp No Yes The date and time when the authenticator becomes active and can effectively be used (delayed activation).
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.
vdsPkBLOBKeyID varchar(255) No Yes The identifier of the sensitive data key used to encrypt the MDL payload key BLOB (vdsPkBLOB).
vdsActChalKeyID varchar(255) No Yes The identifier of the sensitive data key used to encrypt the MDL activation challenge (vdsActChal).
vdsStorageKeyID varchar(255) No Yes The identifier of the storage key used to encrypt the payload key BLOB.
vdsDevicePNID varchar(2064) No Yes The DIGIPASS Push Notification Identifier (PNID) of a mobile device.
vdsProvActivCount integer No Yes

The provisioning activation count, i.e. the total number of provisioning activations performed for an MDL license, allowing to limit provisioning to a certain threshold.

vdsDaasSerialNo varchar(10) No Yes Reserved for future use.


Primary key: (vdsSerialNo)

Foreign keys:

  • (vdsDomain, vdsUserId) references vdsUser (vdsDomain, vdsUserId)
  • (vdsDomain) references vdsDomain (vdsDomain)
  • (vdsDomain, vdsOrgUnit) references vdsOrgUnit (vdsDomain, vdsOrgUnit)
  • (vdsDPSoftParamsID) references vdsDPSoftParams (vdsDPSoftParamsID)
  • (vdsKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsEMVCAPPANKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsLinkedDP) references vdsDigipass (vdsSerialNo)
  • (vdsPkBLOBKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsActChalKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsStorageKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)


Table: vdsDigipass table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)
vdsdigipassidx1 vdsSerialNo




