
The vdsDomain table contains fields for the specified domains.


Table: vdsDomain table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsDomain varchar(255) Yes No The domain name.
vdsDescription varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsPNMobileAppName varchar(64) No Yes

The name of the mobile application in push notification messages.

This is a domain-level setting. If specified, it takes precedence over any value specified in the effective policy.

vdsPNDPGatewayID varchar(1024) No Yes

The (encrypted) unique ID to identify the DIGIPASS Gateway infrastructure.

This is a domain-level setting. If specified, it takes precedence over any value specified in the global configuration.

vdsPNServiceAPIKey varchar(1024) No Yes

The (encrypted) API key used for sending push notifications via the DIGIPASS Gateway in the OneSpan cloud service.

This is a domain-level setting. If specified, it takes precedence over any value specified in the global configuration.

vdsKeyID varchar(255) No Yes The identifier of the sensitive data key used to encrypt sensitive data fields of the particular record.
vdsPNDPGatewayIDKeyID varchar(255) No Yes

The identifier of the sensitive data key used to encrypt the DIGIPASS Gateway identifier (vdsPNDPGatewayID).

Reserved for future use.

vdsPNServiceAPIKeyKeyID varchar(255) No Yes

The identifier of the sensitive data key used to encrypt the API key for the OneSpan cloud service (vdsPNServiceAPIKey).

Reserved for future use.


timestamp No No The date and time the data record was created.


timestamp No No The date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.


Primary key: (vdsDomain)

Foreign keys:

  • (vdsKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsPNDPGatewayIDKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsPNServiceAPIKeyKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)


Table: vdsDomain table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)
vdsdomainidx vdsDomain