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Trying to upload 13 senders but get the attached error, why?


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Hi Team,

When we download signed documents from onespansign using REST API, after opening it, we can see  validation warning as "At least one signature has problem" (Please refer highlighted section from the…

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Is it have any ways to Integrate the One span with react-native:

* Can we use the one span sign along with react-native? if "yes"
* How we can add to the ability of the user to draw his signature Anywhere on pdf?

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Is is possible (e.g. for administrator account) to view list of all transactions for all senders, aside from "Reports" page? And to examine contents of each transaction (signers, files etc.)?

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Hi ,

We are using our own twilio to send SMS. Once the User clicks on the link from email , onespan will call the Callback url configured in account settings with the OTP. And we inturn ,send it to the users by our Twilio…

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How can you have a clustered configuration with OneSpan Signon. 

I have several servers which I like to have the eSignature service running on them, whats the best way to create a cluster configuration that can run the…

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what's the difference between email template '' vs 'email.notify'?

As I known, email.notify is the one send to the signer for signing the document? when the '' is triggered?<…

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I have a requirement to upload multiple documents, this has already been acomplish. However is there any way to just sign once, and this automatically signs the rest of the documents?



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Hi, I'm trying to change the default logo. I used the sample script provided in the forum...


 but the new image is not displaying…

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The sender only wants to receive an email once the signing process is complete... is this possible to setup ?

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I am testing the use of the JavaSDK in my local environment using my person sandbox API key. It has worked fine with the classic experience, but my organization is moving to NSE and I want to test documents that I create with NSE. Can I…

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Can you confirm whether it's 10 or 16 mb limit n the total documents.

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We installed Esign 7 in a container environment. Backoffice login page came and I managed to login by using default credentials

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we need to get date and time when user click to "Accept"  'Electronic disclosure and Signature consent' document.

could you please tell me how to this?



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We have an azure function setup to listen to onespan callbacks which works great nearly all the time, but on the rare occasion we get a failed callback. I supposed there is a number of reasons that could happen. In this…

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in our current version 11.25, I found for callback event  i.e PACKAGE_READY_FOR_COMPLETE, the sessionUser has the account user id information in the request. 


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I created the package with signer SMS authentication with phone number, when I asked our admin to search for package details in the back office, they sent me something (see attachment), but there is no phone number logged…

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Some of our clients demand a stored recording of remote notary audio and video. My understanding is OneSpan does not support the audio/video storage feature.. There are products that position themselves as remote notary products that do…

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Can you please share some insights on my questions below?

1. Does OneSpan have some geolocationization capabilities?

2. Is…

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Did something with the last release change regarding the signed pdfs?  We have an application that uses itext to merge all our signed pdfs together into one pdf and we flatten them as we do the merging.  Ever since the last…

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In Java, I would like to add a new field where the signer should fill in a date (in a date format DD/MM/YYYY).

  • What type of field should it be?
  • The signer should be allowed to add either the…
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I want to upload customized default consent form for every package, and my account already removed the 'default consent' form. when I tried to upload the form as document id as 'default-consent', this form always in…

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We know that version 11.42 will be out in SandBox on June 9, 2021 and in PROD on July 8, 2021.



In our internal process, we need to know…

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Quick questions regarding 11.42 release.

The opt_out function will be deprecated and we would like to know if its gonna replaced by something else ?

Also, what is the difference between opt_out function…

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Users are complaining that they all receive an email when signing is completed.

My workflow is configured like the table below.  We only want the customer (step 1)  and the last person (Step 5) to…