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We have a scenario that if a customer signed the contract but didn't complete the payment, when the person came back again, he needs to do the whole transaction again. So, for an archived package, can we use the same customId and Package…
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I have a use case to send a document to some signers and once the signing process has been complete, i want to send that document to some users which i call as receivers who receive the signed contract and they can…

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If we have a common document storage for all sorts of PDF documents, is there a way for a program to inspect a PDF to determine it was signed using OneSpan Sign, and not just a PDF from other sources.

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Specifically the check-box that ensures automatic email delivery of final signed docs. This is over-written each time to a default un-checked setting, which adds an extra step to the package creation process for user-driven signing.
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Hello, Is there a way to remove the navigation icon within the package? If yes, could you let us know how we can achieve it. Thanks, Sushma
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Is there any limit on the number of fields that can be added to a document for each signature/signer.
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I receive eSignLive Callback failed emails sparingly, even though I receive the callback successfully. The email body resembles the following: URL: Payload: {"@class":"com.silanis.esl.packages.event…
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For the events listed as "Can Event Be Temporarily Stopped?" what does that mean? …

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Does a package automatically complete and close when the last signer signs? Is it possible to keep the package open - so we add another document for example - until we call an explicit operation to close/complete the package (even if…

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I'm wondering what kind of "out of the box" options eSignLive may have to facilitate a requirement of ours. We are fulfilling the role of sender and the signers are (obviously) filling the role of signer, but what if we had a 3rd party…
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What is the recommended way to be able to rapidly develop and iterate on a series of forms we're using for application integration, then be able to deploy them to a production instance? I tried the tool recommended by OneSpan's phone…
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I'm finding the language settings to be quite confusing and don't see a thorough guide explaining it. Here are some questions I have. If there is a guide, please point me in the right direction, else I'll need some help to…

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I have a sender account, when I login, I can change my language in the right upper 'language' dropdown list, once I changed, is this new language saved to my sender profile? if so, where is the sender profile? can…

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Need some assistance - 


Newly deployed integration with Laserfiche. Followed the white paper instructions for the integration. Installed notification server on a DMZ front facing server, URL is reachable…

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Where may I find documentation, code share, etc. for OneSpan version 6.2?

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Hi, Could you please let us know what limits does esignlive put on the files being uploaded for digital signing? - size of file in MBs - # of pages in a given file We've observed that we've a 2.6mb file with about 200 pages and it won't…
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Is there a limit on the number of questions that can be presented for validation. The code examples use two Q&As and the UI has a limit of two. Does the API have the same limit?

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We are using a word document that has embedded tags.  We have a required field that one of the signers has to fill out before signing, and this required field is at the end of the document

Right now, the signer…

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Instead of using the OneSpan Sign email.complete email to provide a link to the signed documents to each signer, I would like to send a custom email or via a web page.

Is there a way to build this link URL…

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Hi, I'm just looking for the latest list of all available back office changes that can be applied to our accounts and can't seem to find it anywhere after searching the forums or the …
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I set a package language with French.
final DocumentPackage documentPackage = packageToBuild.withLanguage(Locale.FRENCH)
Nothing changed to French except the embedded Consent pdf in the page as attached. However, I am actually…
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In your email templates am I able to place our company logo and footer information?

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Is there a way I can enforce in a microsoft word template that a user chooses one option from a Radio Group? I do not want to set a default value. 

I didn't see a way to do this on this page:


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I have a document where a home seller is answering questions about the condition of their property. I'm trying to accomplish the following:

- If a seller chooses yes when answering if their property has…