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what's the difference between email template '' vs 'email.notify'?

As I known, email.notify is the one send to the signer for signing the document? when the '' is triggered?<…

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Hi, I'm trying to change the default logo. I used the sample script provided in the forum...


 but the new image is not displaying…

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Hello, since the opt_out option is removed in the 11.42 release.  What are our options if our client want to sign on paper ?

Thanks !

Guillaume Lampron


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Hi guys,

We have a case which must to star a signature process in eSignLive with a document that previously was signed by a client with a software certificate.

If we launch the process with this document and…

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Hello Onespan,

I am stuck with the issue for a while and decided to post something here.


I am currently using two documents for signing.

One document is in .pdf format and this works fine.<…

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In this question I am not looking for any technical details or answers to how to integrate as I am fairly comfortable with our ability to do what is needed.  Instead, I am just looking for someone who might have…

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for example, in my account email template (evidence summary), before click "VIEW COMPLETED DOCUMENTS" button, the wording showed in white, and background color is purple. (see attachment).Once it's clicked, the wording…

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Hi ,

we have the client want to have list in the document such as Jan, Feb, Mar in the list (see the attachment), I am able to create the list from sender UI. but…

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Regarding this thread

Have there been any additional controls added for email notifications? Specifically, we would like to disable email notifications…

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Hi Team,
Email failed to deliver to the Customer, but received EMAIL_BOUNCE event with message OOTO, which is incorrect in this case, it should send message as "BOUNCED" right?



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In the Account Configuration panel there is reference to something called 'imprint fields' but there is no description as to what imprint fields actually are and I cannot find any reference to this configuration in any guides. 

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when enabling email.evidence.summary template, is it possible to get signed document only not both signed document and evidence summary? 




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Hi, we are testing the email bounced function and found that sometimes OneSpan does not send a callback for the "fake" email we use. 

For example, 

[email protected] -…

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Is there a way I can enforce in a microsoft word template that a user chooses one option from a Radio Group? I do not want to set a default value. 

I didn't see a way to do this on this page:


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These questions are regarding the Evidence Summaries we have available for each package: – Does the signer role listed have to be unique regardless of a unique package? Example: Package1 – signer1, signer2; Package2 – signer3,…
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Hi, How to send multiple document with single package Id ? Thanks in Adv.
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what are the best practices when it comes to managing senders that no longer work for the business? 

Do you delete them from the system?

If yes, how does it affect the existing docs they were…

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Whenever we download completed signature documents from the platform and open them in external PDF viewers such as Adobe Acrobat, the signature fields say there is an issue and that the certificates are not trusted.

Why is…

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In the email JSON, I saw there is something as below, does it mean when recipient mail got reject, it will let the package owner know?

  "bounce-to" : "$PACKAGE_OWNER…

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when I create package via sender UI, when adding a new signature field, the default type is click-to-sign.  Can it be changed so that the default type is to capture autograph?<…

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I am wondering if SMS page (attached) has resource file associate with, can we customize the wording?

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I keep getting the attached error message.  When I wait and restart it's usually okay but it's painful that I can only do about 40 - 50 users at one time.

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Trying to go thru the steps described here:

My keytool list shows the required…

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Can I turn off the email to signers? I had expected a     .withSettings(newDocumentPackageSettings()

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normally we did document extraction and it works fine. now our client has the sample form with text tag extraction, but i tried it, it seems not working. 

could you let me know how to make text tag…