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This is interesting to us as one of our customers is asking to be able to apply a 'stamp' along with a signature.

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Hi, we are not receiving callbacks on packages that expire and we're trying to determine if it's an issue on our end. Does OneSpan keep logs of callback events that fail?

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Is it possible to customize/configure OneSpan E-Sign so that we have signature stamps that look like signatures?

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Hi. We are getting the following error when we try and create a package.

{"messageKey":"error.validation.verifyDocument.documentExtractError","message":"[error.validation.verifyDocument.documentExtractError]","cod e":400,…

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Is there a way to use master account API key to get user specific API key for a selected subaccount.  I'm not sure what call to use if it's possible.

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Create package API is failing with client app authentication whereas the same works with API key.


I used SDK version 11.34 for client app and 11.15 for API key. Can someone…

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What it would take to integrate our esign documentation into a server/database system to allow for auto-filing directly from OneSpan Sign?


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We have a scenario where user should initial on one of the signature fields from a group of fields (like a radio button group). We have multiple questions where we want the signer to initial on one choice. 

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I am wondering if we are able to increase the first name and last name character length?  Right now, it's at 64 each but we actually had someone that had a longer name than the allowed characters.

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it possible to display a message in OneSpan when a checkbox is not ticked? 

The checkbox is optional but if it is not ticked we want to display a message.




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The onespan Java sdk (sdk-11.51-jar-with-dependencies.jar) contains a version of netty (4.1.74.Final) that has security vulnerability CVE-2022-24823, the sdk-11.51.jar has references to it,  and our company (and clients) won't…

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I am getting the following exception while trying to create a Package using
.withExtractionType(ExtractionType.TEXT_TAGS) for the DocumentBuilder, 
Is there a way to use ExtractionType alongside createPackage?

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We can verify when a signer signed all the documents as follow:

   .flatMap(d -> d.getSignatures().stream())
   .filter(s -> Objects.equals(s…

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My tests were working fine, until I installed any version of implementation group: 'com.silanis.esl', name: 'sdk', version: '11.28'

java.lang.IllegalStateException at  …

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Hi Team, We are doing Auto Esign in our project .Since we are doing auto Esign IP address column is appearing as blank in evidence summary Audit trail table. Is it possible to insert our server IP address in Audit trail IP address…
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Are special characters allowed in Document name while creating package?
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Hi, How do I get original signer id from new changed signer information (either using signer id or role Id) ? suppose Signer A will delegate his authority to Signer B, I want Signer A (original) Id by using Signer B …
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In the Audit Trail, when a signer accepts, in the "Other" column it has "Approval:" followed by a string. What is this string?


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I would like to delete the default document that the package has when it is created, How can I do that?

My java SDK version is: 11.33

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I need to disable the option to not send the mail to sign when I create the package from the java sdk, help please.

My version of sdk is 11.33

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Could you explain when access ability should be used and how to use it via JAVA SDK?





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The following link is not working :

Could you please fix it ?


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Is there a way to customize the handoverlink Href property at a signer level?  I've only been able to see it at the document package level.  I'd like to redirect based on the signer role, and trying to find the best way to do…

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I am not clean how to use attachment, could you please share an sample code? Also once there is attachment in a package, the sender have to accept this attachment, otherwise  the signing ceremony will…