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Hi There, I am trying to create session token to access the eSignature in an iframe. I am using the following code to generate and send the document: DocumentPackage documentPackage = newPackageNamed( PackageName ) …
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Hi There, I am working on creating a package with a document that has an Id assigned to it: .withDocument( newDocumentWithName( "Second Document" ) .fromFile( "src/main/Resources/document.pdf" ) .withId( documentId )
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Hi There, In our application, we are using one particular email for communications and we want the emails that go from eSignLive to the customer using the same email. However, the eSignLive account is not registered that email and I was…
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Question: We have a business process where internal users need to quickly sign documents that have multiple signature locations. Ideally, we would want our users to access a document, view it on screen then with a single click sign all…
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Hi There, According to the requirements we have, if a person doesn't completes the purchase by paying but has signed the documents, if that person comes back again after certain number of days, he needs to do the whole transaction again…
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Hello, We're currently running into an issue when the sender of a in person package also needs to sign a document within that package. Using the instructions specified in the
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Hello, I am looking through the Java SDK for a way to programmatically lock a signer, I've attempted to use the PackageService.updateSigner() method but found that it won't update the locked flag on the sender object. I've also looked…
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Hi, We've discovered some behaviour that seems strange/inconsistent to our team. It may just be a case of not understanding the APIs properly, but either way hopefully you can help us out. Our application supports both remote and in…
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Hi, Bit of an intermittent issue that we've run into on a production server, but we haven't been able to figure out the cause. We have a document that's about 2 pages long, and it's used to create a layout. The layout looks fine. When…
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I'm interested in modifying a signer's challenges on an existing package that hasn't been sent. In some cases this means adding a challenge for the first time. In other cases this means first removing existing challenges. Here's some code…
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Hello, I am running into an issue when attempting to remove a partially signed document from within a transaction. I've made a similar…
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I would like to make a suggestion to be a bit more specific in the maven artifact name of the java sdk. Right now it is defined as: com.silanis.esl sdk
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I'm experiencing an issue when I try to update a signature type from click-to-sign to capture, after a transaction is created. We have tried the modifySignature method using the Java SDK and it seems like this approach does not work. FYI,…
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Hello, I've noticed that creating documents with names that contain the windows restricted file name symbols ( ":\|/*?<> ) will cause the documents to be shown in the signing ceremony and audit information with those symbols replaced by…
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Hi, I'm using the Java SDK and trying to open the signing ceremony as the package owner (sender), when the package owner isn't a signer in the package. My assumption was that this code would work: String signerAuthenticationToken =…
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Hi, if package only contains review form(no signature required), when calling SDK to sendPackage, it returns error. Is it expected behavior? Thanks, Cindy
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Hi, we found out that for some packages when it's in "DRAFT" status and package expiryDate passed, the package status becomes " EXPIRED", but some of them are stay as "DRAFT". I'd like to know what other business rule in e-signlive to…
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Hi, We are sending a PDF with fields for signature and date. The date is currently injected and is the package creation date. We were wondering if there is a way to have the date be the actual signing date. We don't want the signer to…
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Hi, Our integration with eSignLive includes some document merge functionality - where users create a layout for a "template document". Once the template is merged with client data, the layout is then applied to the merged document. The…
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Hello, I am running into an issue when using a layout that was created with placeholders that specify both an ID and a description. The layout can be successfully created and viewed, but the layout cannot be applied to a package. This…
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity.(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)V at at com.silanis.esl.sdk.service.PackageService…
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Apologies if this is a duplicate. I may have trashed the last thread accidentally. Hello everyone, We've been seeing errors uploading documents asynchronously using jar with dependencies 11.0.2. com.silanis.esl.sdk.EslException: Could…
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Hi, just a quick question about creating input fields using text tags. I've noticed that after adding any fields to a document with text tags they are all become associated with the first signature for that signer, is there a way to…
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I emailed support earlier, but I'll post the question here too in case it leads to a quicker/better resolution. I'm running into this error in Sandbox when accessing a URL that redirects to the sender's designer view. https://sandbox.e…
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We would like to do AutoEsign in our project .But we don’t want to send email and the documents (preview or download) to the user .Is it possible to do that?