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Hi What does disableOptOutOther do. Can you send me a link to the REST api docs for this field I have the following link for 10 Thanks Mario
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Hi Is there a way to hide the disclosure page using the REST API. Can this be a field in the call when creating a package. Regards Mario
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There are some buttons at the top of the screen when the Signing Ceremony is completed Continue button is appearing Download button is appearing Download All button is appearing. How can we remove all 3 using the api.
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Hi How can we redirect the browser page to another URL , when the user clicks on optout , enters the text and then clicks on ok. Thanks Mario
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Hi, I'm trying to set up a package where two signers are eligible to sign the same field, and one of them signing would be enough to complete it. Is there a way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!
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Team, I am looking for help with below scenarios 1) To add a signer to a transaction, is signer emaild id mandatory in signer json request? 2) What if we have a scenario, where a couple wants to use same email id, but both has to…
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Hi, is there a way to test the callback feature so that when there is a callback from ESL (example after the signing ceremony is completed), it calls my Dev running the webservice ? like http://localhost/api/eslListener/ ? Assuming: I've…
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Hi We need to use IE with Enterprise Mode on. But eSign page can’t be displayed when ‘Enterprise Mode’ is selected(there is no problem to display the page when Enterprise Mode is un-selected). Please refer to the attached 2…
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Hello, I have a scenario that I would like to flag a package for future assessment from a third party individual. There is any way to add information to a package using REST API but is not present in any document, just behind the scene,…
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Hi Is it possible to update the language of the sender , using the REST API after the sender has been created. For example making a PUT to {"language":"en"}
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Hello, When i sign a documnt with mobile device, we see this window (e.g. screenshot). It appears only with mobile device but we don't want this window. Can i remove it? Or we must request support to delete it? Thank you, Godinas Maxime.
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I'm having trouble sending a PDF with text tags to the /api/packages endpoint. My PDF is sent as base-64 encoded, and that string is "pasted" into a document when it reaches my eSignLive account. I'd like for the string to be decoded, so…
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I want to get notify using callback, when a signer added to the document. Can you please help me how can I achieve this. I am using REST API, node.js
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Hello, I have a question about evidence summary. Is it possible to custom it? So, for example, change the logo or the title? (See Screenshot) Godinas Maxime,
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Hello, We have decided to utilize the event notifier to allow us to manage an integration with an in-person signing session to help us control our iFrame. We have it working great when there is a single signer, we receive the Signer…
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Hi , Enabled the Callback timeout to be configured to give the Callback endpoint extra time to process a Callback request. For above change where can we add timeout settings is it account level or need to append time out parameters to…
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Does the signing url support authentication using SAML or some other means so that if someone gets access to the URL they wouldn't be able to use it without a valid token?
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Hi, I'm working to retrieve all sender from the accounts that I manage in order to generate some reports. I'm trying to figure out what is the best approach to incrementally grab new senders without retrieving the full list again. Do you…
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Hi Team I would like to sign all the documents on behalf of sender and multiple signer using a package id. I don't want to go through the each signer using eslClient.signDocuments(packageId, "Client1") (bulk…
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At my work place, we are trying to get a Sender Authentication token for a package using the below information /api/authenticationTokens/sender Authorization and Accept Headers are included. In Body, in the request payload, inlcuded…
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Hi, does the URL given by{id}/roles/{id}/signingUrl expire? If so, is it configurable? Thanks, Jimmy
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Hi Team, We are using rest API to communicate with esign live . when we create and send document we are using the below url . Once we send…
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When I do PUT request to /api/packages/{package_id} with request payload as { "status": "DRAFT" } I get error response as { "code": 415, "entity": null, "message": "Unsupported Media Type", "messageKey": "http.status…
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Apart from the feature guides, where can I find the complete documentation for all the REST API features available? In some cases, I found different examples, and the URI was different. I am looking for an article either online or that…
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We've done our initial production rollout of our new feature that includes eSignLive integration - everything is working great, but one of the early feedback items that has come back our way is the desire to do a bit of custom branding…