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I'm trying to update all the roles such as adding and removing a few of them with one API call. I tried:
PUT /api/packages/{packageId}/roles
... but I get "500 Internal Server Error". I also tried to simply update the package…
Normal topic
I have a document that is newly uploaded and created on the fly. What is the best way to place the signature fields within the PDF? Is this a separate REST API call?
Normal topic
So the documentation on the site doesn't really help with this issue. I'm in the process of creating the JSON object used for the package and was wondering if anyone knows what the bare minimum fields are that are required for creating…
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Hi, Is it possible to automatically redirect to a url after signing is complete, or does it need to be carried out via the handOver link? Thanks, Marlon
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Getting really close to having all my questions answered. Thanks to Mwilliams and Harishadairy for all the help. Hopefully this is the last big issue. I will describe the situation and then you can tell me how best to proceed with the…
Normal topic

I have placed a signing date tag the top of my document. The document essentially reads "this is effective as of {{esl:Signer1:SigningDate}}." When we open the signing ceremony this is blank and just leave a large space in between the…

Normal topic
Team, We have required to have the Auto signed by the user , i.e we wanted have a check box on the UI that says Acknowledge and when the user check's this box the Document should be marked as "Signed by XYZ on datatime" on a specified…
Normal topic
At my work place, we are trying to get a Sender Authentication token for a package using the below information /api/authenticationTokens/sender Authorization and Accept Headers are included. In Body, in the request payload, inlcuded…
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Does the signing url support authentication using SAML or some other means so that if someone gets access to the URL they wouldn't be able to use it without a valid token?
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please suggest what are suitable and best authentication tokens (user, sender, signer etc.,) that we should implement if we will have to get the unassigned docs signed through OSS



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So far, the process is this. The notary signs into the transaction and then switches to the borrower that will be signing. The borrower will then click the okay button a few times to authenticate themselves and start signing. Then another…
Normal topic

We are trying to add validation rules in our consuming application. Could you please share what are the validation rules ( Max length, format) on the phone number that we use for authentication (please see the screenshot attached) ?…

Hot topic
Hi. I am trying to implement the sample code provided at I have changed the API Key to the API key in my account and url . private $url = “https:/…
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Hi. I am trying to implement the sample code provided at I have changed the API Key to the API key in my account. I believe that is the only thing that needs…
Normal topic
The attachments are deleted every time I run the collection (the multipart-form data was chosen). If there is the way to add the attachment one time when creating collection and use it every time ? Maybe there is the possibility to do this…
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Hi team, We have a client who's asking whether there's a way to get when an attachment is uploaded, using API? It seems not in the transaction payload. Thanks in advance!
Normal topic

Is it possible to declare during the package creation instance that an extra file should be attached after signing the package documents? The package status automatically changes to COMPLETED after uploading the extra file or…

Normal topic
Guys, Is it possible to attach an image, via base64 encoding, to a label field? Something similar to how we are able to attach an image to a capture signature by using the handdrawn value?
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I am following the example in your blog to Authenticate a Signer: Here is what I have produced: var apiKey = CeremonyClient.GetKey(); var…
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We are creating a OneSpan signature package using REST API calls. We create the signature package with all signers created, all documents uploaded, and all signature package settings set except the placement of signer…

Normal topic

I can PUT to /packages/{packageId} and update a package's data node.

However I failed to update a document's data node (PUT to /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}).

I also tried, but failed, to…

Normal topic

Hi, we want to keep track of the transactions that has been completed, that's why we would like to archive the transactions we already have in our DB as completed. I would like to ask if there's a way to archive multiple transaction in…

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Guys, I've spent a bit of time going through the features guide and I cannot find anything that will help show me how to upload a document that has no signing fields and is just an approval document only. This would be like the default…
Normal topic
Guys - When creating an approval, does the "role" field of that approval have to match the "id" field in the role object for that signer or the "id" field of the signers object in the that role object?
Normal topic
Hi There , I want to know about any provision of sending the authentication token to the callback generation rest api call so that once the callback happens , we may get that token back with the request. I know we can get callback key…