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Hi Team, I am using REST API. While creating packages I received following exception. { "messageKey": "error.validation.invalidPageLocation", "message": "Invalid position. Object placed outside of document page boundary.", "code":…
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HI two questions about "createdDate" in callback json payload - 

    1. Is "createdDate" a timestamp of when event occurred?

    2. If "createdDate" is a timestamp of when event occurred,…

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We are having an intermittent issue with our REST API client. Normally, it posts the signing package create request in DRAFT status, posts the request to add reminders then posts a request to put the request into SENT status. On rare…
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I am trying to add documents to a package but unable to do so. I have tried two method:

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Hi Team,

I have attached list of files which I have downloaded through APIs, but it seems that some of the files doesn't have any metadata files.

Now I have only the name of the documents, I don't have package id,…

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Hello, I need to send multiple documents, I saw this post: And in this post it informs that it would not be possible, but it is from 2018, is there any current…

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Hello. I am new to using Onespan Sign API. I am using Rest API and Postman to enter and execute the code. Please see the below code. I am trying to add a field onto an existing package id. I have included the details below. How do I add…