Hi Team, We are trying to create the Approvals using REST API. This works without any issues when we don't use the text anchors. However, when we use text anchors, we don't get the expected results i.e. the approval fields are created taking the field attributes in to consideration, ignoring the extractAnchor values. We saw that "Warning: Text anchor extraction cannot be used in this API call." when creating the approvals.
I have the same text in multiple locations in a document, and I want a signer to sign each of them. Using Text Anchor since there are a random number of pages. I want to place a signature block relative to the phrase “Lessor:” There may be 1 location, or 100……. How do I tell eSL to do this? I know how to do a text anchor, but how do I handle multiple locations? Do I somehow need to ‘iterate’ through the doc and place all of these blocks…..