This example code showcases you how to expose a web service in Salesforce that functions as a callback listener
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website

I have a question on how to install a writeback to defined salesforce fields after completing esign package. I already build a convention, that is working properly and writing back values inside PDF to defined Salesforce fields. If trying the same with given convention by using an created Custom Action, inside the package information on successful writeback is given, but fields inside salesforce object are not updated as expected. Inside URL, option for WriteBack is set to 1 and package is created properly. Can anyone help me, what is missing?


We’re looking to use OneSpan Sign directly in a Salesforce Community (Community Plus licenses) out of the box but it's not working.

We're trying to do it using the method in the "Creating a Transaction from a Custom Action" section of this page: and we've given the community user access to all of the OneSpan pages, objects, fields, etc.


On our main object, we have a quick action that fires a lightning component which on init queries for the necessary data & attachment, parses the url and then, fires an event to navigate to the url.

Recently when any user (System admin or custom profile user) clicks on the button and is redirect, the user will be sent to an remote authentication page where they must re-log to continue. This occurs twice before finally arriving at the auto prepared transaction record.

Hello, I was able to create an URL Snippet to automatically create a package from a convention. However, in my use case, I would like the URL to create the package and automatically allow the signer to sign in person. When I run my URL snippet, it still forces me to manually submit the "sign" button from the package. I've attached a screenshot of the what my snippet produces. Is there a way to automate the submitting of the sign button from the URL snippet? Thanks
First off, this is a very welcome addition to the integration options available. I've been struggling using the REST API directly from my app. Are there any examples on how to create a simple package, like there are with the other SDKs? If we could get an example of creating a package with documents and adding a document to an existing package, that'd be great. Thanks, KB
I have another question out about installing the Salesforce connector: Once I get an answer there and get everything installed, is there a guide/resource for creating a new package? What about creating a package from a template? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Darin