
I have a template with 550 label fields. I saved the fields to a new layout. Now, I need to shift all 550 label fields 8 pixels up. Doing it manually is a painful process. 

Is there a way I can do this - 

1. Update my layout to move all those 550 label fields 8 pixels up using API endpoint

2. Apply the updated layout to my template. 

Is there an Endpoint to achieve step1 ?




I'm having trouble with the functionality behind saving/applying layouts in the integrated designer iframe.

Here is the flow of what is happening:

1. The REST API is used to creaete a package with one recipient that has role/id "test"

2. A user drags a signature for the "test" recipient onto the document using the designer iframe

3. The user saves this layout as "L1"

4. A second package is created with no recipients

5. The user applies the layout "L1"

This tool allows you to copy all of your senders, templates, and layouts from one account to another.
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website
Hello, I am running into an issue when using a layout that was created with placeholders that specify both an ID and a description. The layout can be successfully created and viewed, but the layout cannot be applied to a package. This only seems to occur when creating placeholders with both an ID and description specified as using the same layout but only specifying IDs for placeholders will allow the layout to be applied to the package.
Hi, I'm having some issues when trying to clone/copy an existing layout in order to modify the signatures without affecting the original layout. I've attempted to call createLayout method in layout service on the original to recreate, but while this does create a copy, it also deletes the original layout. I currently have a workaround by creating a new package and copying over all the data from the original layout, but feels like there's a better way to accomplish this. Is there a recommended way to copy layouts? Thanks in advance, -Mitch