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is there a scenario or situation, the document can't be updated (such as re-order, delete, add etc)? 



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I keep getting this message "Signed and all signatures valid. Document was updated after signing."  Nothing was updated, just downloaded the document.  Is this valid?  It has been rejected by a vender because it looks…

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I have one question regarding Text tag, can we define a name for a text tag?

For e.g, in the below text tag, can we set a name as well? So that when we retrieve the value we know that the…

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Regarding document extraction, I read the following information from your website, and doesn't mention not support for text area, So what's the tag should put in the PDF file…

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I have run the UI based transaction report and only the sender information is provided in the excel file.

I have run the delegation report which only provides me the delegation activities, nothing transaction level related.

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I have set up the option for signers to have the option to decline, but I do not see this when we test it. Occasionally, a document is forwarded for signature, but the final approver does not want it signed for various reasons. We would…

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I received the following message during the eSign. Could I know in what situation I'm receiving the message below?


Could not create a new package. Exception: Could not upload…

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We are looking into Signature Pads, for Capture Signature, that are compatible with OneSpan.  Are there any recommendations as to which ones will work best for this?


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Hi! All

Our team has been leveraging OneSpan createPackage API to create package and call the signingURL to successfully eSign PDF forms leveraging text anchors. 

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We currently received notifications when the package is completed "PACKAGE_COMPLETE" however the documentid property is null. 

when I get the package contents I can get the list of documents but the status on the…

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New user of OneSpan.  In my job, I have to have documents signed by talent. This usually happens in person, on a video shoot.  I have been trying to determine if there is a way to set up template that will allow me to pull up…

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In the OneSpanSign.Sdk for .Net I am missing the field signed on the Class OneSpanSign.API.Approval.

Currently we only have the DateTime? property Accepted which is visible in the SDK Package -> Documents…

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Hi. Is there a configuration setting that we could enable where a signer could fill out a document, then save their progress, then subsequently come back to finish filling it out and complete signing?

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These questions are regarding the Evidence Summaries we have available for each package: – Does the signer role listed have to be unique regardless of a unique package? Example: Package1 – signer1, signer2; Package2 – signer3,…
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Hi, How to send multiple document with single package Id ? Thanks in Adv.
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what are the best practices when it comes to managing senders that no longer work for the business? 

Do you delete them from the system?

If yes, how does it affect the existing docs they were…

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Whenever we download completed signature documents from the platform and open them in external PDF viewers such as Adobe Acrobat, the signature fields say there is an issue and that the certificates are not trusted.

Why is…

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In the email JSON, I saw there is something as below, does it mean when recipient mail got reject, it will let the package owner know?

  "bounce-to" : "$PACKAGE_OWNER…

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when I create package via sender UI, when adding a new signature field, the default type is click-to-sign.  Can it be changed so that the default type is to capture autograph?<…

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I am wondering if SMS page (attached) has resource file associate with, can we customize the wording?

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I keep getting the attached error message.  When I wait and restart it's usually okay but it's painful that I can only do about 40 - 50 users at one time.

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Trying to go thru the steps described here:

My keytool list shows the required…

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Can I turn off the email to signers? I had expected a     .withSettings(newDocumentPackageSettings()

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normally we did document extraction and it works fine. now our client has the sample form with text tag extraction, but i tried it, it seems not working. 

could you let me know how to make text tag…

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I have created a template with a placeholder on the OneSpan website. When I use this template in a transaction, I am unable to change this placeholder to a normal recipient in the designer, and so I am unable to actually create and send…