
The vdsReport table contains the attributes of the existing reports defined in OneSpan Authentication Server.


Table: vdsReport table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsDomain varchar(255) Yes No  
vdsReportID varchar(64) Yes No  
vdsReportName varchar(64) No No The name of the report.
vdsReportDesc varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsDataSource integer No No The source from where the data in the report originates.
vdsGroupLevel integer No Yes This is used to group the information in the report into the format required.
vdsReportType integer No No  
vdsRunPerms integer No No The usage permissions specifying who can view and run the report.
vdsChangePerms integer No No The change permissions specifying who can change the report.
vdsTimeFreq integer No Yes Specifies the sub-count time frequency for trend analysis reports.
vdsQueryDef varchar(4000) No No  
vdsUserID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsCreateTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.


Primary key: (vdsDomain, vdsReportID)

Foreign keys:

  • (vdsDomain) references vdsDomain (vdsDomain)
  • (vdsDomain, vdsUserID) references vdsUser (vdsDomain, vdsUserID)


Table: vdsReport table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)

