USERSAssigned DIGIPASS (tab)

The USERS > Assigned DIGIPASS tab lists all authenticators assigned to the selected user. For each authenticator, all active applications are listed with the application type indicated in brackets ().


In this example line, the authenticator with serial number 0058384426 has two active applications: one response-only application RESP_ONLY and one Challenge/Response application CHALLENGE.

Other authenticator properties are shown in this list (see Table: DIGIPASS – DIGIPASS tab).

If the user does not have any authenticators assigned directly, but is linked to another user to use the authenticator, the linked user's authenticator list is shown with the serial numbers in square brackets, e.g. [0058384426].

Table: USERSAssigned DIGIPASS tab
Field name Description
Serial Number Click the serial number to navigate directly to the first authenticator account property page of this authenticator.
DIGIPASS Type The authenticator type represented by the authenticator record (e.g. Digipass 300).
Active Applications List of active authenticator applications on the authenticator.
Assigned Date The date when the authenticator was assigned to the user.
BVDP Enabled

Possible values:

  • Yes
  • No
BVDP Uses Left The number of allowed uses left for the backup Virtual Mobile Authenticator if enabled.
BVDP Expires The date when no more uses will be allowed for the backup Virtual Mobile Authenticator if enabled.