REPORTSDefinition (tab)

Table: REPORTSDefinition tab
Field name Description
Report Name The name of the report.
Domain Name The domain the report was created in.
Report Type The report type.
Description A custom text to describe the report that was entered when the report was created.
Data Source

The data source(s) to use when running a the report.

Possible values:

  • Users. The user data will be used to generate the report.
  • Users + Audit. User data and audit data will be used to generate the report.
  • Digipass. Authenticator data will be used to generate the report.
  • Digipass + Audit. Authenticator and audit data will be used to generate the report.
  • Audit. Only audit data will be used to generate the report.
  • Users + Digipass. User and authenticator data will be used to generate the report.
Grouping Level

The grouping level will be used to group the information on the report into the format you require.

Possible values:

  • Client. The report information will be grouped for each client.
  • Domain. The report information will be grouped for each domain.
  • Organizational Unit. The report information will be grouped for each organizational unit.
  • User. The report information will be grouped for each user.
  • Digipass. The report information will be grouped for each authenticator.
Time Frequency For trend analysis reports. This type of report shows trends over a time period, taking sub-counts at certain time periods. Use this field to specify the sub-count time frequency.
Created On

Read-only. The date and time that the record was created.

Updated On

Read-only. The date and time that the record was last modified.

Available actions

  • Edit
  • Run
  • Delete