Server Configuration – Replication (tab)

Replication can be configured to allow multiple OneSpan Authentication Server instances to keep their data synchronized.

The source server is the server where data is coming from, and the destination server is the server where data is going to. The replication queue holds data that is replicated between servers during the replication process. For more information about setting up replication, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide.

To add a new destination server, click Edit, then use Create to add a new destination server. Click Delete to delete a destination server.

Table: Server Configuration – Replication tab
Field name Description
Source Server
IP Address This is the IP address of the source server
Min Reconnect Interval (seconds) Minimum time the system should wait before trying to reconnect to this server.
Max Reconnect Interval (seconds) Maximum time the system should wait before trying to reconnect to this server.
Destination Server
Display Name This is the display name for the destination OneSpan Authentication Server, which will appear on the Destination Server List
IP Address This is the IP address to use in connecting to the OneSpan Authentication Server.
Port This is the Port to use in connecting to the OneSpan Authentication Server.
File Path This is the location of the replication queue file. If this path is changed or added, the directory must already exist.
Max File Size (MB) Set a maximum size (in MB) for the replication queue file. If the file reaches this size, replication queue entries will no longer be written to the file. OneSpan Authentication Server will stop processing authentication and administration requests that result in a database update.
Max Retries The maximum number of retries specifies how many times OneSpan Authentication Server should attempt to resend entries in the replication queue that failed at the destination server.
Retry Interval (Seconds) The retry interval (in seconds) specifies how long OneSpan Authentication Server should wait before it attempts to resend entries in the replication queue that failed at the destination server.
Notify when queue file exceeds threshold Select this checkbox if you want to receive a warning message when the replication queue file size reaches a particular file size.
Email Address The target email address to use for sending the replication queue file warnings.
Queue File Size Limit (%) This is the warning threshold of the replication queue file size as percentage of the maximum file size. If Notify when queue file exceeds threshold is selected and the replication queue file size exceeds this limit, OneSpan Authentication Server will send a first warning notification. Further notifications are sent in steps of 5% file growth until the maximum file size is reached.