SERVERSPending Operations (tab)

The SERVERS > Pending Operations page is used to mange pending operations.

Record changes (add, change, delete) will not take effect immediately on all OneSpan Authentication Server instances unless replication is used to synchronize the instances. If replication is not used, changes to records will take effect when each instance is restarted, once the change is available to it in its data store. Alternatively, if there is no restart, the record cache will refresh from the data store approximately every 15 minutes.

Table: SERVERSPending Operations tab
Field name Description

The pending operation identifier (POID) of the respective list entry.

Click the POID if you want to view the details of this pending operation.


The status of the operation.

Possible values:

  • Approved
  • Pending
My Role

Indicates your role for the pending operation.

Possible values:

  • Maker
  • Checker

The record type being modified by the pending operation.

Possible values:

  • User

The action involved in the pending operation. The field can be empty.

Possible values:

  • Assign DIGIPASS
  • Create
  • Delete
  • Unassign DIGIPASS

The field can be empty.

Target The user and/or authenticator this pending operation applies to.
Domain The domain of the user this pending operation applies to.
Modified The date and time the pending operation was last modified.


If you want to restrict the list of pending operations provided, you can filter by one or more search criteria on the page. Click FILTER to apply the search criteria. Click CLEAR FILTER to display the complete list of pending operations.


The list can be sorted in the order you need. Click on the column headers to sort the list in ascending or descending order on that heading.

Available Actions

  • APPROVE. Click this button if you are a checker administrator and want to approve one or more pending operations.
  • REJECT. Click this button if you are a checker administrator and want to reject one or more pending operations..
  • EXECUTE. Click this button if you are a maker administrator and want to execute one or more approved operations.
  • DELETE. Click this button if you want to delete one or more pending operations.