Server Configuration – Server Discovery (tab)

The SYSTEM > Server Configuration > Server Discovery page contains settings needed to integrate OneSpan Authentication Server into your DNS system, thus allowing clients to automatically identify the OneSpan Authentication Server instances available on your network.

Field name Description
DNS Service Registration

Possible values:

  • No DNS Service Registration. Use when you do not have a DNS service or do not want to register OneSpan Authentication Server with a DNS server.
  • DNS Service Registration with a DNS server supporting dynamic DNS. No authentication is carried out when using this service registration method, so this means that the server will accept non-secure updates. Use when you cannot use TSIG Authentication or Secure Dynamic Update.
  • DNS Service Registration with a DNS server supporting dynamic DNS with TSIG authentication. This service registration method utilizes a shared key file which is shared between OneSpan Authentication Server, the DNS, and the application. Transactions are signed using the shared key file. Use when you cannot use Secure Dynamic Update.
  • DNS Service Registration with a DNS server supporting Secure Dynamic Update (Microsoft AD). This option is not available on Linux. This service registration method has OneSpan Authentication Server running as a member server within a Windows domain. This is the recommended DNS service registration method for server discovery.
Shared Key File For use with TSIG. Navigate to shared file using the Browse button.
DNS Domain

Enter the DNS domain that will be used.

This field is used for all options except No DNS Service Registration.

Host Name The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the machine hosting the OneSpan Authentication Server instance.
Priority Specify whether the OneSpan Authentication Server instance is a primary server or a backup server.
Weight (load-balancing)

This value will be used by the client during server discovery when deciding which OneSpan Authentication Server instance to connect to.

Possible values: 1100