Find/manage DIGIPASS

The Find/manage DIGIPASS page allows you to perform an advanced authenticator search, with the possibility to refine your search using various search criteria. The Domain and Organizational Unit fields will restrict your search to the specified domain and organizational unit, respectively.

Field name Description

Select the domain that you want to search from the list. This will restrict the search to the specified domain only. Select All Domains to search all accessible domains.

Organizational Unit

Select the organizational unit that you want to search from the list. This will restrict the search to the specified organizational unit only. Select All Organizational Units to search all accessible organizational units. Select No Organizational Unit to search only for users, who are not in any organizational unit.

Serial Number/s From

The first serial number in a range to be displayed. This field supports the use of asterisks (*) as wildcard characters.

Serial Number/s To

The last serial number in a range to be displayed. This serial number must be greater than the one specified by Serial Number From. The number of authenticators specified will be calculated from the start and end serial numbers. A warning message will be displayed if there are not enough authenticators for all of the users selected.

Serial Number List

Enter a list of serial numbers to be displayed, with each serial number separated by a comma. You can leave this field blank to automatically select the serial numbers.

Possible values:

  • DIGIPASS serial number
  • EMV-CAP Full PAN number (22 digits)
  • EMV-CAP Full PAN number hash

Enter the type of authenticator that you want to assign to the selected users, or click Select From List to select one from a list of applicable authenticator types.

Application Name

Enter the application name to be assigned to each authenticator or click Select from List to select one from a list of applicable application names.

Application Type

Select one of the options to specify which type of application is to be assigned to each authenticator.

Secure Channel Support?

Select whether the authenticators to be searched for support Secure Channel or not, or click Not Applicable if it is not relevant if the authenticator searched for is assigned or unassigned.

This option is only available, if the application type has been set to either Any or Signature.


Use this option to restrict your search:

  • Yes. Search authenticators assigned to a user only.
  • No. Search authenticators not assigned to any user only.
  • Not Applicable. Search all authenticators.
Validity Start From and To Enter from and to validity start dates to filter the results.
Expiration From and To Enter from and to expiration dates to filter the results.

Find a match via the Description field of each authenticator. This field supports the use of asterisks (*) as wildcard characters.

Results per page (10~100)

Specify the number of results that you want to see on each page.

Click Search to begin the search.