This information is required if you run OneSpan Authentication Server in an ODBC deployment.

If you have multiple domains and use the simple user@domain format to log on (NOT Windows user name resolution), domain names are cached by OneSpan Authentication Server to avoid repeated database access.

Therefore, creation and deletion of domains will not take effect immediately. They will take effect when OneSpan Authentication Server is restarted, once the domain change is available to OneSpan Authentication Server in the data store. Alternatively, if there is no restart, the cache of domain settings will refresh from the data store approximately every 15 minutes.

Table: ORGANIZATIONDomain tab
Field name Description
Description A custom text to describe the domain entered when the domain was defined.
Master Domain

Specifies whether this is a master domain or not.

Possible values:

  • Yes
  • No

Default value: No

Update History

Read-only. The date and time that the record was created.


Read-only. The date and time that the record was last modified.

Available actions

  • Edit
  • Add Org Unit. Add an organizational unit to this domain.
  • Delete