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Dear Support Team,
We have tried the REST API of the Identity Verification Rapid POC, and we was able to generate a transaction HTTP URL and we opened it from the Chrome Browser of an Android device and completed the transaction successfully, now we need to integrate the IDV within the onboarding screen of our mobile application, so please could you provide your feedback and suggestions on the below inquiries :
We have started the Proof Of Concept that we have received by email from [email protected] and we have succeeded to call the https://gs.onespan.cloud/rpoc-saa/api/transaction/ which returned the following JSON response, from which we have extracted the token and the transaction id to proceed with next setp : Verify transaction on Mobile Device , and we have replaced the {{TRANSACTION_ID}} with the captured Transaction ID, and replaced the {{TOKEN}} with the captured Token as suggested in the sales email.
the verification url is like :
We are thinking of embedding the Package Designer view in our web app. Our app's main content width causes the Designer view to display in a "mobile" fashion when embedded in an iframe, as the width is less than 1200px, and the user can only see either the left panel (recipients, fields) or right panel (documents, field settings) one at a time.