
We have a use case where an Authorization document will be signed by our client. This authorization document will be used by several other internal members to sign the document again. This can happen after 3 months or 6 months, etc. We want to download the Authorization document signed by the client and use this document later to be signed by our internal team members when needed. We do not want to loos the authenticity of the previous document. Is this possible?




Allows report to be downloaded for completed transactions, indicating if signers have downloaded the signed documents or not.
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website

I am trying to get all completed packages over the last 90 days.  Ideally, this would be  a single call for all of my users' completed packages, but if I need to loop through the users I can, IF I can get their UUID from a call into the response, then loop through the response for UUIDs to pull their package set.  Once I have the packageID, I'll be downloading the packages.  I'm new and certainly willing to learn.


Currently using Postman for testing calls, then I will write in vb.net or C#.



When I go through the signing process and "Click to sign" on my mobile device I get an automated redirect to a "thank you page" which then 'completes' the signing process.  I would like to replicate this on the desktop, at the moment, I am presented with a thank you for using eSignLive, with two buttons "Close" and "Complete Signing" .

I am not to fussed about the dialog box appearing but would like to have a single button as "Close" aborts the journey and the transaction is sat there waiting to be completed.

Example code shows how to retrieve completed package within a date range.
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External website - Your website or git repository
Example code shows how to create a template from a package.
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External website - Your website or git repository
We currently use the Microsoft SharePoint connector for eSignLive and that works great for us. However, we have some use cases where we'd like to start using the Dynamics connector as well. Is there a way to save the signed documents from completed packages in SharePoint, even though the package was created from the Dynamics connector? Any help would be appreciated. Darin