
We would like to embed or integrate the onespan sign product inside our web application, like the attached sample process (please see attached png file)

Sorry for this basic question:

1- basically I'm asking is how can we integrate the current onespan sign application inside our application. I saw that the onespan sign can be embedded inside an iframe, authenticating it with the tokens for the application. 

 2 - the documents will reside in our local storage so do we need to upload those documents inside onespan sign?


Hello, I am implementing signature for an iOs application, I am showing with WKWebView.

but I don't know how to hide or close this WKWebView when the user has finished signing. used WKWebView delegates, but when you go from the signature view to the "Thank you" view, not  call none this delegates 


How can I know when the user has signed and can close the webView.?


  func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {

This program will allow you to test your application server to see if meets the mininum requirements to run the eSignLive Java SDK.
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