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Has any tool been built previously that would allow field values (for data entry fields signers need to input in) for transactions sent via bulk send to be extracted automatically to a CSV file say?

At present to colate all…

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When you perform a run report function do you have the ability to export it or download it?

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Has anyone experienced issues whereby the sender starts receiving messages that the signers email address may be wrong and it is somehow related to the how the emails are managed / archived.  It appears the email address box is…

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In the email template body which is html file, my client request such as below to embed a link to website

<a href="" target="_blank"> 

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when I create package via sender UI, when adding a new signature field, the default type is click-to-sign.  Can it be changed so that the default type is to capture autograph?<…

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I found the below information on your web site regarding to minimum software requirement, Could you please provide the details of what specific models are support?


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I tried sendUI to use Q&A authentication for remote signing, I found there is no any restriction for answer. I'd like to know if anywhere in the account can set restriction for the answer?


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in the account setting for the below resource, can I put '"$RECIPIENT_NAME;" as the variable there? if so, could you please provide the sample?


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If we have a common document storage for all sorts of PDF documents, is there a way for a program to inspect a PDF to determine it was signed using OneSpan Sign, and not just a PDF from other sources.

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In the email JSON, I saw there is something as below, does it mean when recipient mail got reject, it will let the package owner know?

  "bounce-to" : "$PACKAGE_OWNER…

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I tried to get email in French locale, but it seems not successful for me. I create package via API, in the package level, locale=fr, in the signer levle, locale =fr as well, but I still don't get email in French.

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Can some help me out with this error message?  The first signee had no issues but the second signee went to the package a day later to sign and then received an Access Denied.  Is it possible there was some kind of…

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After a package is created with sms authentication, could you please let me know when I can update sms cell phone and when I can't update this sms cell phone?




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When I create package via SDK, I got between errors:

1; when I set sms cellphone=64939837

"Create Package failed. E-SignLive Error: Could not create a new package in one-step Exception: HTTP POST on URI

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from the documentation, there are 3 pre-defined roles: admin, manager and sender. Another concept is about 'owner' as user type? what's the difference between 'owner' vs roles? and can anyone be 'Owner'?


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I want to be able to download the signed documents and audit trail for all customers completed transactions? Is there any easy way to do this without having to go through the transactions one by one in the UI or writing an integration?<…

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In the email template, for example email.decline, is it possible to have more than one bcc email, if so, how to configure multiple Bcc emails with corresponding display_name? the below sample only have 1 bcc email,

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In the documentation for Document Extraction, it explains that a Textfield or Checkbox must be completed before a Signer can sign a package:


Before signing, Agent1 must…

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Having a little trouble getting an API key so I can start using the product... I signed up for a developer sandbox and got an email with the following instructions.


Get started…

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I'd like to retrieve the document inside the package and also get package information when package is marked as deleted.

Normally, I use API call to retrieve those information when package is available, but since…

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eSign Document is embedded as an iframe. While the signing ceremony is being performed on  mobile we came across unexpected behavior on clicking of Cancel in the pop-up (which is launched when we tap to sign)

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We need to change the API Key for our sandbox account. How can we do that?

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currently I have a client with large document size (1870k), and this document is combination of several other documents, some of them with signatures, and some of them without . 

I am looking for the option…

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Hi, when we create the package or upload the new document, I got 'error.validation.unsupportedFileType' error? in which scenarios, this error will throw? thanks, Cindy