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Hi I got the following error when creating a package. Can you please give me a detailed explanation of this error. {"messageKey":"error.notFound.signerNotFound","message":"The specified signer cannot be found.","code":404} Regards …
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Is there a way to generate a download link for the documents on onespan? We would like to house the link on an internal website. I am aware of the REST call to download docs..…
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Getting connection exception when i try to retrieve documents using rest template
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HI ,

I have a scenario like 

1.upload the document in one span.

2. Pump the data to the document through one span.

3. No e-signature needed.

4. once data is pumped we will get…

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I can PUT to /packages/{packageId} and update a package's data node.

However I failed to update a document's data node (PUT to /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}).

I also tried, but failed, to…

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HI ,

I have a scenario like i  need to only pump the data and signers will manually sign the document. 

For that in some case i need to delete the signers at run time but not the fields associated with the…

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What is the meaning of the provider element of role/signers/delivery, i.e. when one defines a role, one can specify

  "id": "Signer5",
  "reassign": true,
  "type": "SIGNER",

Normal topic

Hi Team, 

I wanted to modify the signer details for a package using following URL{packageId}=/roles/Signer3

and body

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I'm trying to save some metadata in the `data` attribute of approvals, or even within a `Field`, but when I GET the package, `data` is `None`. I've had no issues saving metadata within ``. Not sure whether this is a bug,…

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when I tried to create a package using API call to my sender account (not the owner), even in the header, I put the sender API key there, but I got error message as 

    "code" : 401,

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Guys -

Since we are not sending a document up for a smart note, it's being automatically generated from the data and enote data sections, how do we go about adding one to an existing transaction that is already up in OneSpan?<…

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When documents are signed via the application they are uploaded for storage, however some of the generic documents don't have a customer ID available.  Is there a way for the sender to be able to apply the customers ID onto…

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I saw the post for email Message content length limit was 1024 back in 2017, is it still true for  our on-prem v11.25? if not, could you let me know the new limitation?



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I'd like to know  how to check if a signer is locked via JAVA SDK?




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After creating a transaction in onespan sign using REST API, user is getting the below error while signing the document :

The selected document('s) could not be uploaded. The document('s) might be…

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we have a production case, when the client tried to confirm the signature, it got error. 


In the backend log: 

2020-06-04 23:50:02,568 INFO  [com.silanis.esl…

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Is there a way to set the default signature type to Click to Sign at the document level ( applies to all signature fields) when creating  a package using .NET SDK & using signature text tags?


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I am trying to find more information on this to see if this impacts us since we are using the callbacks. Can someone point me to an example of how this is being used/removed so that I can check if I will need to modify…

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The “packageID” seems fine, works for other API call but “SignerID” from Evidence Summary does not seem to be recognized. Its confusing as items are referred to by multiple names, e.g. PackageID appears to be the same…

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I'm querying packages from OneSpan Sign REST API. I don't use any filters, so I expect to get all of the packages. There are two, one in the inbox, and one in the drafts folder. 

Here's query

curl -X GET "https:…

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On an In progress transaction (SIGNING_PENDING) with multiple signers & with Document A that is signed by (SIGNING_COMPLETE) Signer A, is it possible to update the document content (bytes) without losing the already…

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Dear Champs,

I'm looking for REST API POSTMAN collection for GET{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/pdf

Also advise where can we get packageId and documentId?

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I understand the following link is where I can test REST API Call:…

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We have a backup account that is not tied to a vault for testing. We've been told that one account that we are using for a notary has been set up correctly but when I try to update the professional identity fields for…