Example code shows how to create a simple callback listener with Spring Boot in Java.
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website
Hello! Thank you for reading my post. My understanding is that the notification email (email.notify) is the only email template that can be triggered programatically from the eSignLive system. I had a few questions on this functionality: Question 1. When I am in the sender UI and click on the "Notify this Signer" button, it will successfully send an email to the signer using the email.notify template and include the "Email message" that I have entered in the Advanced Options in the package settings.
This sample code is to demonstrate how you can make convert a SOAP message received from typical web service for document signing to eSignLive REST API.  This sample also uses Text Tags in sample document to simplify the Json message in REST API to REST eSignLive to create a transaction.
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Direct file upload - File will be hosted on developer website