Last modified: 2024-07-25

Enterprise Administration

  • Enterprise Administration: The Enterprise Administration feature enables the Account Administrators in an organization to manage users, groups and accounts for their lines of business. Account administrators can manage users and multiple accounts from a centralized location. This feature leverages the following items:
    • Roles and Permissions — When a user is added to an account, the Account Administrator assigns them a role with an associated set of permissions that determine the actions available to the user. Roles make it easy to manage the access rights of a large number of users without having to change permission options on an account-by-account basis. The following default roles are available within every account (each with its associated set of permissions):
      • Administrator: Has full access to the application and its configurations
      • Manager: Has full access to the application

        If Enterprise Administration has been enabled for your account a Manager will not be able to assign a delegate for any of their senders.

      • Sender: Has limited access to the application
      • Notary: Has limited access to the application, with additional notary functions.
      • These default roles are not customizable, and they cannot be deleted. Account Administrators can nonetheless: (1) create customized roles, assigning a customized set of permissions to each one; (2) make a customized role available within specified accounts.

    • Branding: Account Administrators can re-brand parts of the Signer Experience for signers such as logos and color schemes.

Please contact our Support Team to configure Enterprise Administration for your accounts. The configuration options include: 

    • activating roles and permissions for specific accounts;

As of Release 23.R2 (11.51), the sub-accounts feature is no longer available for activation. Given the feedback we’ve received about key use cases not covered by this feature, we’ve decided not to enhance sub-accounts in their current form. Instead, we will enhance OneSpan Sign's account-management features by leveraging OneSpan's new Transaction Cloud Platform. If you are already using the sub-accounts feature, you can continue doing so with limited support (for details, see 23.R2's Release Notes ). For additional information, please contact our Support Team.

The rest of this page discusses:

Changing Accounts

To change the account that you're working within:

  1. Click the Accounts icon on the Navigation Bar.
  1. Select the account to which you'd like to switch.
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