Last modified: 2024-10-07


Access the Subscription page by clicking Admin > Subscription.

The Subscription page displays the following information about your account:

Subscription Detail Description
Plan information box Displays the name your plan, as well as the number of senders allowed in the account.
Upgrade This button is available only for Free Trial accounts. It enables you to upgrade to a Professional Edition of OneSpan Sign.
Documents Displays the number of documents allowed per sender in the account. This value is displayed in the format <n> document(s) per sender. If there is no limit, Unlimited is displayed.
Signatures Displays the number of signatures allowed in the account. This value is always set to Unlimited.
Recipients Displays the number of signers allowed in the account. The value is always set to Unlimited.
Senders Displays the number of senders allowed in the account. This value is displayed in the format <n> sender(s) per account. If there is no limit, Unlimited is displayed.
Storage Displays the storage allowed per sender in the account. This value is displayed in the format <n> MB per sender. If there is no limit, Unlimited is displayed.

To modify your plan or discuss plan options, call Phone: 1-855-MYESIGN.

If you are in a Sandbox environment, the Subscription page is hidden.

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