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Guys, Is there something going on with the API servers? I'm getting this weird error when trying to upload documents that I know worked. ------------------------------- MessageKey: error.internal.default Error Message: Unexpected…
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Hi please suggest that how we can add signature field on each page of multiple documents page using .net sdk thanks
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How can I disable the pop up dialog after signing completed? I'm checking this documentation for package level settings:…
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So I am trying to upload an image to the signature capture section, handdrawn value, and I am having an issue with one file. When I upload the file and view it in the Admin section, it shows just a solid black line and not the full image…
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We are having an intermittent issue with our REST API client. Normally, it posts the signing package create request in DRAFT status, posts the request to add reminders then posts a request to put the request into SENT status. On rare…
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Hi all, I'm trying to get to the bottom of an issue that is occurring with some of our PDF uploads (using multipart/form-data). From the response we see:
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Hi! I'm getting error when uploading package with postman. Request: POST /api/packages/WZhzAq7Kg94hKye2vaF7X6PAW2U=/documents HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic MYAPIKEY Accept: text/html cache-control…
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Hi There , I want to know about any provision of sending the authentication token to the callback generation rest api call so that once the callback happens , we may get that token back with the request. I know we can get callback key…
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Guys, Is it possible to use the designer on a transaction that has already been created and populated with documents? I am looking at this api call and it doesn't seem to be working.…
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Hi team, We have a requirement to include Parentheses in Field Validator, for example, I want signer to input "Neder Over Heembeek (Bru.)" in a textfield. Currently, we set it this way: "pattern" : "^Neder Over Heembeek (Bru.)\\s?$" and…
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Hi team, I would like to know whether we have the capability to extend the max failure time before locking a signer. If possible, what's the REST API? Thanks,
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Our integration has the browser embedded within our app, and with it we have a fairly stripped-down look in the header area of the signing session. We would like to finish our signing with these 2 extra things I can't figure out: 1…
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Hi Duo, I am not able to send the multiple pdf doc using webClient during creating Package with binary doc by the Rest Api, can you provide me the working code for the sending multiple doc for the multiple signers using webclient(For…
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Is it possible to get all the signers url for signing Doc in the same response during the package creation with document binaries and signers detail using REST API. if yes , Please provide the demo code.
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Guys, I am having a hard time finding information about setting the timezone for a date field that is captured when the signer is signing the document. Can anyone provide a link where I can find more information or possible provide a…
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Guys, I have a few redirects that I am trying that are not working and would love to know where I'm going wrong. 1. I've set the handover and complete event to force the redirect of a user when completing a package and it doesn't seem to…
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Hi, In ceremony layout settings, we have set navigator ( directs the signer to the next available signature) property as true. So, it comes up in desktop, mobile as well but in iPad, it is not showing. Please, let us know how can we solve…
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Hello, I have added signer SMS verification before sign of document. It show SMS sent. but user don't receive any SMS. even if user request SMS while sign, it say SMS sent successfully, but don't get any SMS. Here is the code. There is…
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Has anyone noticed problems with the handover URL and hash location strategy routing? If so, have you found a workaround? When setting the handover url to something like "", we are seeing…
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Sometimes (not always, depends on situation) we want to remove the default Authorization document. I would like to know how to do it with REST API using JSON and http calls to the server. In VB.NET we do this as follows: …
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Guys, If we cancel a transaction that has a SMART Note attached to it, does the note get cancelled out of our vault as well or do we need to take steps and manually remove it?
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Guys, Is there a way to modify the printed date that is captured when a signer signs a document? Looking at the field list, this is what we have.
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Hi, when adding the signature tags the Designer autosaves the changes. Is there a way to know that signature tags were added or they closed the designer session? so here is the scenario: We will configure the Sender designer session in…
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Hi, How the Callback Key is being passed when an event is raised? can you please provide a raw sample for the transaction including header tags? Would it be an oAuth? 'Bearer [callback key]' ? Thanks, Sara
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So far, the process is this. The notary signs into the transaction and then switches to the borrower that will be signing. The borrower will then click the okay button a few times to authenticate themselves and start signing. Then another…