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I have created a template with a placeholder on the OneSpan website. When I use this template in a transaction, I am unable to change this placeholder to a normal recipient in the designer, and so I am unable to actually create and send…

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I'm finding the language settings to be quite confusing and don't see a thorough guide explaining it. Here are some questions I have. If there is a guide, please point me in the right direction, else I'll need some help to…

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I saved the handwritten signature in the account under "Identity" tab, and in the document, I put a signature with "capture signature' type, but when i signing and click the signature box, the saved signature not applied…

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I am fairly new to OneSpan sign API. I'm using Java SDK. Two questions:

I've noticed that when I tab through fields, a certain field is skipped. If I keep on tabbing, I eventually reach the skipped field. Is there a way…

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Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to set an external reviewer (different from the user that creates the transaction) who would check if it is correct a mandatory attachment for a signer. This reviewer would also need to receive…

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You do have a 2021 enhancement request that is on your priority list to increase the MB size.  however in the meantime we are having issues with the ES not being emailed.  We've sent out numerous communications to tell…

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How does this template get generated in French if all we input is the users email address?

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Is it possible to replace the purple circle image on the signed document? I understand this is the OneSpan logo so thinking probably not - but we did have a customer ask about this. Thanks.

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If our account owners are all in Toronto but our senders are across Canada  do you suggest that senders set their own personal profile timezone? 

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How can I embed a button labelled "version française" within the email template so users can click on the button and see the French version of the templates.

Currently for the account.invitation…

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Is suppression different than blacklisted if so what is suppression and why would someone need to be removed from the suppression list.

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Could auto email reminder configure at account level? if yes, could you please show how to configure it?



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Hi Team,

We have below types of documents in the create transaction request.

1. Sign  2. View   3. Accept

Please clarify below questions:

1. How onespansign handles…

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Can you confirm whether it's 10 or 16 mb limit n the total documents.

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Is is possible (e.g. for administrator account) to view list of all transactions for all senders, aside from "Reports" page? And to examine contents of each transaction (signers, files etc.)?

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Some of our clients demand a stored recording of remote notary audio and video. My understanding is OneSpan does not support the audio/video storage feature.. There are products that position themselves as remote notary products that do…

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I have a PDF that has a number of editable fields, when the signer completes signing the fields are no longer editable but when the sender downloads the signed document it is still editable. 


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If a client makes a mistake on a form and needs to fix a custom field. How do you resend them to allow them to edit and re-sign?  We have clicked edit when it comes back for review and hit resend for signature but the client does…

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Hello, I want to disable the email notification to an specific signer, I already try this

'delivery' => [

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I would like to sign off on all paperwork sent out by all our senders.  Is there a way to assign myself or a group a specific role so that when I place that tag on a pdf document I will always be the one assigned that field?<…

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This is what we are seeing - please let us know if it is expected.

The Document signed event is only sent when a signer has signed all his blocks on a document. Signing only one of multiple blocks does not generate the event…

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Looking to figure out if there is documentation or a reference to the maximum number of signers/recipients one can have in any given document. 

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Hello I have one question, for the designer session the package Id that we need must be from the  Transaction for a Sender, or it can be a package id from a normal transaction.

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I cannot seem to be able to get anyone to speak with me about the Virtual Room. Help please.

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Is there any way to get the password to unlock a file that has been signed in OneSpan? Our users sometimes need to edit the document in Adobe after it has been signed. I have seen a couple other similar questions here, but no definitive…